Create a sub-article in Wordpress from an existing article?

Lucas Lopez

New Member
Hello Friends of coding and programation,

I am new to WordPress and I am looking to create a "sub-article" from an existing article!?

For my site, I have a "Culture "category and an article "420" with the following URL:
exemple com/ culture/420/

What I would like to do is to easily add a sub-article (page?) as it is possible with pages and the "parent" option. For example, a sub-article about France:

exemple com/ culture/420/france/

However, with articles, this option is not available, only adding subcategories is possible, and that's not what I want for several reasons:

- By creating a subcategory, I "lose" my /420/ article because it automatically becomes a listing category page.
- I don't want to create a category for each subpage; that would be too many.
- It quickly becomes chaotic with subcategories, creating duplicate content.

For now, to illustrate my problem, I have left my blog with a subcategory, but now my article 420 no longer appears.
In the WordPress display, with two "equal" URLs, I imagine that the category takes precedence over the article, and since the article and category have the same URL, WordPress must make a choice!

What would be the solution to implement?

Thank you in advance for your help and kindness.