VPS 1 VPS Account Available

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Active Member
I have 1 VPS account that I bought for a backup server and at the moment no one is using it. I am offering it for $65.00/month. It is already setup and ready to go.

10GB Dedicated Space
150GB Dedicated Bandwidth
128MB Dedicated Memory
512MB Burst Memory
1 IP Address
cPanel Control Panel
99.9% Uptime Guaranteed
Fully Managed
Free Reboot
No Root Access

Datacenter In Germany

First come first serve. Let me know if you're interested.
I see other people charging around that price for a VPS. I know it's a bit expensive. I only have 1 vps though. If I had more, then I would sell them for cheaper. No I don't really need money but it's not worth me keeping the VPS by offering too much cheaper. As I'm paying $40.00 a month for it, and it's already set it up. Whoever buys it will have it immediately without waiting for it to be setup or anything. I can go a little cheaper but not much. If you can offer VPS's cheaper, then start your own thread ;).
I don't know which hoster you are referring to, but for 65usd, we as customers can get large space, higher ram, bigger bandwidth, root access.

Just my 2cents. Good luck.
Yes I realize that. Since no one is interested. I will divide up the resources into shared VPS accounts. So If anyone is interested in a spot on the VPS please contact me with your requirements.
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