
  1. R

    hilltopads popunder redirect problem

    Depois que comecei a usar o popunder HilltopAds em meu site, percebi que, em vez de abrir uma nova aba ou janela, ele redirecionava meus visitantes para outro site. Preocupado com possíveis penalidades do Google, entrei em contato com meu gerente, que me garantiu que meus sites não seriam...
  2. J

    Redirect outgoing hyperlinks with google ads on other website

    Hey guys i want to redirect my all outgoing link to other website with google ads and show download link on ads website like this website done when you click on go to download page you will redirect to other website with ads so this is i want to do can anyone help me with this...
  3. sohom

    [Tool] Online Check/Test your .htaccess redirection rules & conditions

    Site URL : Just found this useful tool for checking/testing .htaccess redirection rules Hope you guys would like it Best Regards