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  1. T Discussion

    For those with Skrill payments...mine was just released to me. I thought I would let you guys know and next payment I'm more educated about when and how it's processed.... Ahoura: Please note that we process payments at least TWICE a month and if you are not receiving your payments like others...
  2. T Discussion

    Who is they? so far no one has responded to email or chats and even here ahora isnt responding which is why this new thread was created..geez i hope thevideo isnt shutting down and I wish someone in authority would speak to us many concern linkers who need to know if we should be wasting our...
  3. T Discussion

    Skrill Payments Has anyone had contact with Admins..I haven't received anything by chat or email regarding when pending payments will be released...
  4. T

    SKrill Payments

    Has anyone spoke with an Admin about when payments be released. Haven't received to onsite chat or emails????
  5. T

    SKrill Payments

    Does anyone know when Skrill payments are released and for future payments what dates should I request payout so that I'm sync when thevideo is processing them, so far I'm still pending?
  6. T

    TheVideo - March Promo Earn 50% More Up to $45

    Another day of no responses At least you have your payment information entered. I can't even get that far.
  7. T

    TheVideo - March Promo Earn 50% More Up to $45

    Security Disable Hi, I'm trying to add Skrill as payment option but it tells me to disable security where I get an error message: send_by_smtp: nobody to send to for host ''?! at Modules/ line 545... I have been unable to get chat or email assistance.. what do I do...