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  1. M

    WTF with

    Samething happened here :(
  2. M

    FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

    Hey ricky, i have a question. Ive noticed in the last few days, the money i get on sunday, i can not transfer it to my payout account right after the first minutes of monday. I used to wait like 20 mins after midnight, and the money was added to the transfer to payout account amount. But the...
  3. M

    (Buying)Need oneddl editors account

    I'll sell u mine for 6K euro as it has like 2x the posts of armt's and haseeb's accounts together :P hahaha this is fun XD
  4. M

    (Buying)Need oneddl editors account

    this has to be the most stupid thread i have ever seen. LOL
  5. M

    FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

    yeah there is something wrong with the earnings. I used to earn like 10 to 20 less than hf, but now, i earn like 50 to 100 less than hf. I dont know if they are cheating(hope not), or their system is screwed, but i hope all get sorted soon. and still i cant get dl links, pls fix this asap
  6. M

    FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

    I keep uploading and uploadign and uploading, but i dont get the download links, and i cant see the files on the filemanager. whats going on?
  7. M

    VPS - Perfect for busy forums, EU DDoS Protected VPS from €10/mo (Germany)

    I think what he meant was, the total bw per month is not enough for uploaders. for example i require at least 4TB per month. And im not a heavy uploader, so yeah, the bw in ur plans are not enough imo. Greetings
  8. M - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    I got my payment too, finally :D Thanks DL
  9. M

    VPS - 1 Gbps-100 Mbps VPS/RDP from $15/month (German, Netherlands, USA)

    If i have the max plan on the .de node, and i request a change to ur .nl node, what specs will i get on that node?? since the plan with max specs isnt the same as .de max specs plan also, how long will took u guys to move me? btw, is the .nl server as fast as the .de node when it comes to...
  10. M - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    Well 2 day have passed since the payment was "made" and i still dont have the money in my pp account. Duckload, could u care to explain what happened to my payment?? Thanks
  11. M - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    Oh well i havent had that kind of problem before I'll wait then... Hope i get my payment shortly thanks for ur reply
  12. M - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    Hi duckload guys. I have a problem with my payment Site says i got paid on the 11th But i dont have the money on my pp account. I checked the pp acc details were right, and they are. Can u please explain what happened to my money?? Thanks in advance
  13. M

    VPS - 1 Gbps-100 Mbps VPS/RDP from $15/month (German, Netherlands, USA)

    Nikki node down for anyone else or just me??
  14. M

    [REQ] VPS for IRC

    nice Junctio i'll check them out. __________________ Added after 1 Day 4 Hours: I bought a package from Hostrail and they are shit. box has been down more than up. i've changed my budget 10/month now. leave ur offers. server must have very very good uptime.
  15. M

    [REQ] VPS for IRC

    how much would u guys pay for a vps with the specs i mention on the main post per year?
  16. M

    [REQ] VPS for IRC

    [WTB] VPS for IRC Im looking for a good VPS to run znc on it. Server must have very good uptime. My budget is $10/month Leave ur offers guys :D Thanks in advanced.
  17. M

    FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

    like last week, there is no Transfer to Payout Account button :S ITs just me?? Have read the last 10 pages, and i didnt saw any one reporting this issue :S EDIT: <_< i forced refresh and the button was there :X
  18. M

    FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

    yeah stats not fixed yet i have already requested transfert to payout acc though, but my acc is still missing a few bucks.
  19. M

    FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

    Same here, no transfer payout button :X FS please fix this, i really need to get this payment in the next payment cycle