Search results

  1. L, KVM, Unmetred Band, DDos Protected,Private 12$ (FR,RU)

    Do you have any test IP or test files available?
  2. L

    How much money do you spend on multiplayer content?

    i personally don't see the appeal in buying cosmetic upgrades, but I do spend some money on stuff like memberships
  3. L


    thanks for the welcomes :)
  4. L

    What are you currently playing?

    I currently play MGS:V, damn it's a good game
  5. L

    Do you make your bed?

    I usually end up leaving it undone when I wake up then making it before I go to bed so the sheets are all tucked in :-=
  6. L

    Other Need an RDP

    is there any specific windows software you need? it sounds like what you are requesting can easily be done within linux
  7. L


    Hi, My name is Steve and I'm new to this community. I look forward to browsing these forums as they have a lot of useful things