Search results

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    Dutch police arrest suspected pro-WikiLeaks hacker

    This is all Obama's fault. If he wouldn't have started the domain bullshit operation payback wouldn't have commenced therefore IMPEACH HIS ASS.
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    Hiring GFX Designer for WRZhost

    Looking for a GFX designer to do some work for WRZhost, were going to want the images to match the website so if you can't do that please don't message me. If you can do this add me on MSN:
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    WRZhost VPS

    I probably know more than you think, two I'm not a child. So please keep your comments to yourself.
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    WRZhost VPS

    If you guys need help I'm also available at and on skype. I should be on the rest of the night if you need help.
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    VPS 30% off on all wrzhost vps

    You treat your host with the worst respect roony, have some respect for the people who serve you and you will get the same back. Also, if you don't have anything nice to say DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. You and tommyboy are the only complaints we have right now.
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    VPS 30% off on all wrzhost vps

    All VPSes are up, if your having problems submit a ticket and we will resolve it ASAP!
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    WRZhost VPS

    No servers were cut out, the node your on is having problems most likely. Two NL nodes are currently experiencing network issues. The rest of our nodes are up, were working to fix those problems.
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    Buying Adspots on high traffic sites(LINK AND IMAGE)

    Tippie has asked me, as the manager, to go and buy advertising space on websites. I'm looking to purchase text links and or image ads on high traffic websites for WRZhost. HEADER ONLY. No footer ads, don't bother contacting me if thats the case. I will not be checking this thread I ask that...
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    Selling WarezTrap 5*

    Reserve added. __________________ Added after 3 Hours 29 minutes: Sold to Tippie for $500.
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    Selling WarezTrap 5*

    So as much as I hate to have to do this, I do. Yesterday something happened were I need money and I'm going to have to sell my precious site. I recently purchased it as it was dying and brought it back and got it 5*. Payment will either be Escrow or PayPal. If Escrow you will pay the fees...
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    WarezTrap now 5*!

    I can't believe I can say it but YES, my forum is now 5* at katz :D
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    LE with WarezScene [4* Katz] ?
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    Linux Kernel vulnerabilty most of hosting companys goes Hacked !

    Lol, go on SSH type yum update -y and reboot. It's been out for 2 weeks now.
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    Other 1Gbit Encoding USA Server need 15 people

    Spot is BLOWN
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    Several probleme with

    No it can be more, it depends on the power of the server.
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    Dedicated [GERMANY] Dedicated Servers

    The ticket was just followed up on they said they're checking it out to make sure there was no DC problems since it usually only takes 24 hours.
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    Dedicated [GERMANY] Dedicated Servers

    Ordered one almost 48 hours ago, waiting to receive it. Hoping for quality for this long wait :P
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    Several probleme with

    It's obviously not a very powerful server and 500 clients on 1 shit server? No wonder the load is out of control
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    MrP banned me from the SB and I'm still banned...