Search results

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    [PAID] Logo

    Hi GFXers, I`m looking for a logo for my local firm. It is a retail firm selling packing materials (mainly plastic bags) and provides printing services on the same. I need elegant looking with preferably 3 words in the logo that is: CPI. CPI stands for "C###### Polythene Industries" (I`ve...
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    Hiring Inventory and Client Management Software

    Hello coders, I`m looking for a software that can handle my physical unit's production details, sales and inventory management and client management all in one program but easily distinguishable from each other (different tab/window/page?). For eg. in client/seller management I need to list...
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    [Free]Need a logo

    Hello, I need one logo designed for my local IT club, its named "Clique". Club Clique: Bridge of IT and Management. The name "Clique" should be there. The main events includes gaming tournaments(FIFA, CS, NFS), through management of that thing and tech news circulation. I just need it centered...
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    Option MultiView - htaccess

    I have this weird problem. Everything was perfect till I upgraded IPB 3.2.3 from 3.1.4 I was using FURLs and .htaccess file was placed there. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options -MultiViews RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d...
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    [IPB 3] PHP Errors and Sing-in Problems

    Hey, I have a problem again, actually it occurred afterwards the update from 3.1.4 to 3.2.3 I`m using the raw IPB, without any file modification. The problem I have is I`m getting auto-logged out, and auto-login too. Once after logging in, and trying to browse any topic, I`m auto logged out...
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    Article Spinning

    Have you ever done that ? I was just wondering if anyone can to share something... I today tried googling but I wasnt sure what software was best for article spinning. Can you recommend some online/offline article spinning tools ? Paid/Free looking for both of them but I will prefer free one first.
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    Selling vBull - Mass vBulleting Message Sender

    Hello, vBull is an advance message sender for vBulletin forums. It allows you to send bulk messages will less efforts. Top of them all, you just need to spend 2 minutes to initiate automated work and save several hours...! Screen Shots:
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    Scanning PHP Scripts

    Today I was helping 2 of my friends. 1. eFriend who got his site hacked and 2. College friend who was working on outdated script, kinda large project though he is just beginner. I was wondering if there is any way you can check PHP scripts for possible call back to external IPs ? Something...
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    Help With PHP Error

    Hi guys, I`m learning PHP with MySQL and have some problem. I`m just creating a simple script to accept login details from index.php and transfer them to login.php via POST. 1st part went smooth. For 2nd part, login.php I`m having some problem. I tried google and change the variable names too...
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    [WP]Auto Ping Plugin for SE/Social Websites

    Is there anything to auto ping/post recently posted article on Facebook/Twitter and more social networking sites like that ? I cant explain myself but I want to something that can save my time from posting links to new articles at social networking sites with some automated queries. Is there any ?
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    Help with CSS/HTML

    How to fix this thing ? You can see the text is broken out of margin, I guess its something related to CSS, but can anyone tell me what exactly it is ? Link to the page:
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    Serious Help with connection time of wordpress

    Hello guys, I have some wired problem. I had my site hosted with KnownSRV, and I dont have any kind of resource abuse problem or anything like that. My problem is that my page connection time is too high, to be mentioned not download time. Whenever I load my site, it shows looking up...
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    Red box problem with FireFox I dont know how it came there but looks totally wired, I have the same problem with other sites too. Is this known problem ? The red boxes with borders are there since yesterday night, I guess right before I updated the FireFox to latest version. What could...
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    What kind of script are these ? I guess lolbird is custom one, but any idea about any of them ? I`m intended to do something that is speedy and working fast as hell. omg-pic refreshes the whole page and redirects to new link for a new pic. While lolbird accepts the arrow keys...
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    [Review]Security Tutorials - #1 Place to learn security measures

    Hello guys, Made something in my free time, how does it look ? SecTut I guess I need to change some font styles so it looks professional. How about everything else ? Describe your self as much as possible, :sun:. Here is my GTMetrix Report...
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    [WP] Spacing problem

    I cant actually define it properly... I want to decrease space between two lines eg. This is WP window: This is my NotePad++ text editor: As you can see both the text are same but in wordpress gap between two lines is double compared to notepad++. How can I decrease that thing globally ...
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    FB Likes, Google +1 JavaScript Load time

    Hey fellas, I was gonna PM the admin first but I thought that public discussion would be the best way to interact. I have recently started a WordPress blog, well just installed actually and enabled a addon for social links that allows to share article to various social networks...
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    Resources for WP ?

    Where can I download nulled stuff the most ? I mean to ask there is ForumScriptz for IPB and vB download that contains everything for both and much more. Is there anything like that for WP, who is trusted and updating their scripts on regular basis ? I`m setting up a WP site thats why I need...
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    Google PR - Gone ?

    Well, since morning I cant see PR thing in my addon with FireFox but thought it could be some kind of bug or something like that but I have checked it on too and guess what it's the same on there too. Everything is wiped out, just N/A is everything it shows, I have tried...