Search results

  1. W

    Advertise on BW!

    dude you have to pay, im the new owner I dont care what the old owner did
  2. W

    Advertise on BW!

    dude not even Im the new owner of the site I ill put yours up for free
  3. W

    Advertise on BW!

    I am giving away 4 link spots right above the header so all visitors who come visit the site will see it right on top there. I am selling $5 a link but if you would like your link in red its an extra $1. We get about 2000 hits a day Forgot to mention I will also allow...
  4. W

    Giving away

    please also let me know what you will be using the domain for
  5. W

    <my f1r57 v1r45>

    dude I had the same shit before only thing to do is re format as the processes will just keep coming and using up all cpu and memory the longer the system is on
  6. W

    BW for sale

    Everything you see on is yours!.. you will get the database, domain and hosting and all im asking for is 10$
  7. W

    Giving away

    I will give someone this domain to use, could be good for a proxy or a warez forum, short simple domain!
  8. W

    I am looking to sell the domain, the domain only as there is no content, .ME extensions are usually over $25 a year and I just got this one couple days ago. I will sell it for $15 and its registered with namecheap.
  9. W

    VPS Plutost | VPS Offers

    can I get more bandwidth and less space for a different price like a custom vps package? btw I currently host with you guys on shared hosting and its good so far.. been about a month with them
  10. W

    Plutost site down

    good to see it back up
  11. W

    [WTB] DDL site or Forum

    I want to buy a active ddl or forum, my budget is $60 please let me know what you got
  12. W

    Pretty interesting stuff
  13. W


    imported database most likely.. site is lame
  14. W

    Pretty interesting stuff

    But remember thats only 2 days of stats
  15. W

    Pretty interesting stuff

    These stats your looking at are only stats from 2 days only, but I just wanted to show the people that always ask and want to know which DDL site brings in most traffic, well here is some proof from my froum stats!
  16. W

    NexusDDL is looking for an Administrator

    cyber ill help you out, im online 7-8 hours a day, shoot me a PM if you want
  17. W

    Advertise on BW for only 50 cents!

    only PP kode, sorry 4 spots left
  18. W

    Advertise on BW for only 50 cents!

    got 5 spots left