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  1. Z,Offshore,DDos protectd,SSD,Private from 1.50$(RU|FR|NE)

    It's simply the best hosting service I've ever seen. Their support is top quality and really fast, and so their servers. Highly recommended to everyone looking for a fast and reliable hosting service.
  2. Z - E51650/1230 - 64/32GB RAM - 1Gbps - Regular & Encode from $6/Mo (FR)

    Well, at least you've been able to acces the rdp. My user and password info doesn't work, I openend a supor ticket about two hours and something and no answer yet.
  3. Z - E51650/1230 - 64/32GB RAM - 1Gbps - Regular & Encode from $6/Mo (FR)

    Server down I don't mean to sound bad, but seems like the bonus day that the users from the France rdp received won't do any good, as the rdp have been down for more that 24 hours already. Hope the admin could give us an ETA on the up time.
  4. Z - E51650/1230 - 64/32GB RAM - 1Gbps - Regular & Encode from $6/Mo (FR)

    Review I've had the services for a few days now. I've tested and used all its capabilities and have absolutely no complains about it. Upload/download speed works like a charm. Tech support so far hasn’t taken more than 10-15 minutes top. And it always helps to have bilingual tech support (as...