Search results

  1. D - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    Well, since I just recently got 2 of your VPS plans, I was accessing the client area by first visiting your main site: And then on the top drop-down manu I was sellecting 'client area'. ...well your MAIN site was NOT available in the momment when I wrote my first...
  2. D - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    coldabhishek, in the first momment I wanted to open a ticket, BUT your WHOLE service, INCLUDING 'client area' was completely unavailable. (or DEAD, in other words). So I coudn't open the ticket, and I thats why I wrote here, with a hope that you will notice when your customers start to confirm...
  3. D - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    Well, they replied to mine ticket htat I managed to send them, as well. Seaams like they have 'custom' made ticket replies. Part of mine answered ticket was like this: I got 2 VPS and both were on different nodes. (aurora and orion) And what they managed to do?.... they commplitly fcked up...
  4. D - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    2 days ago I purchased two VPS plans from ServeDome. I already reported to coldabhishek that their servers have huge lag when I try to log in with SSH or when I simpy try to download very small MySQL database. But right now, in this moment, both of my sites are DOWN ! ServeDome site is also...
  5. D - VPS services starting from $15/month (Netherlands)

    coldabhishek, please reply to ticket #549608
  6. D File Hosting

    I was asked by Denis to confirm here that I got my $. So, yes, its true, I was finally paid recently after waiting for them 3 months to pay me. If I understood correctly, the new managemant is now at extabit and with big help from Denis I finally got what extabit owned me. I hope that from now...
  7. D - Up to $20 per 1000 downloads.

    Finally! Thanks for adding AlertPay ! Now, its only left to see you add Payoneer as you promissed. :) ...hopefully it will be added very soon.
  8. D

    Multi-Poster 4

    Gempis, do you always bandover like that or it is just your nature? You go mind your own business. If the coder is good, he can make his software 'flood protected', so that real uploaders can use it in a way that they will not be banned on forums for spaming. I asked the question about...
  9. D

    Multi-Poster 4

    Does this software support 'topic reply' feature, so that you can make MegaThread and keep making posts inside the same MegaThread? If it doesn't support this feature, then this software is purely for spamming and only help flooders.
  10. D - Up to $20 per 1000 downloads.

    I wasn't asking them about AlertPay, but I see that their PR replied that they had to resend documentation. Good to hear news about AlertPay and Payoneer. Hopefully both will be implemented soon. Its would be a great thing to have your easy-share Payoneer card with 'easy-share' written all...
  11. D - Up to $20 per 1000 downloads.

    Yes, it sucks, you are correct about that. They are completly removing EVERYTHING that I had. Those files were NEVER (and again NEVER) shared with anyone. Only copies of those files were shared. Update: There was a technical issue there. Files are back. There were new filters in their file...
  12. D File Hosting

    EXTABIT is SCAMM ! If you want to waste your time thinking about extabit, first visit their official topic on DP forum. Its filled with screenshots that prove what they did and how they scamm ppl. EXTABIT SCAMMING EVERYONE. The saddest thing is that they did the same to their TOP webmasters...
  13. D - Up to $20 per 1000 downloads.

    zenica, you don't understand what I'm saying. Other hoster CAN pay you on AlertPay. But maybe AlertPay credit card is not ready yet, and you have to find other ways to withdraw your money from AlertPay, BUT you can receive money from anyone on AlertPay. (only card withdrawal is not ready, but...
  14. D - Up to $20 per 1000 downloads.

    This was posted on november 15th. YOU guys from easy-share are one lazy asses. Thats what you are. X-( Its almost a month !!!! All other one-click-hosters, INCLUDING the crappy ones managed to get their AlertPay account confirmed, but not you. You are 'special' case. X-(
  15. D - Up to $20 per 1000 downloads.

    yes, but 'few days should mean FEW days'. When 'few days' become '7 days' that's a WEEK not 'few days'. When first week ends and the other starts, that's 'few WEEKS'.
  16. D - Up to $20 per 1000 downloads.

    6th of december...still no AlertPay? I didn't knew that "few days" could last this long.
  17. D - Up to $20 per 1000 downloads.

    I don't need to ask AlertPay anything. Other hosters already got their AlertPay accounts active and I'm asking here WHY Easy-Share still didn't finished the process of getting their account activated?
  18. D - Up to $20 per 1000 downloads.

    ok, today is 29th of November. 8 days later, still no AlertPay. In your book, 'few days' long? (other hosters got their AlertPay accounts verified much faster)
  19. D - Up to $20 per 1000 downloads.

    What is the progress with AlertPay?
  20. D - Up to $20 per 1000 downloads.

    That is a good news. I hope you will also provide us with opportunity to order our AlertPay debit cards, just like FileServe, Hotfile and Filesonic do for their uploaders.