Search results

  1. M - regular&encode rdp,2xcpu,ssd,1gbs,2gbs,10gbs,$4/m (fr,ca,uk,de,us,nl)

    Hi , when i compress a rar , winrar show me the message disk is full , insert next and can't continue with compressing , i thinks is probably the disk c (master) it's full with 4kbs .-. Please fix soon!
  2. M - regular&encode rdp,2xcpu,ssd,1gbs,2gbs,10gbs,$4/m (fr,ca,uk,de,us,nl)

    I can't create a ticket -.- 404 not found , i write here Hi can you tell me WHY the download/upload its VERY LOW???? -__- Proof
  3. M - regular&encode rdp,2xcpu,ssd,1gbs,2gbs,10gbs,$4/m (fr,ca,uk,de,us,nl)

    Thanks for response , all working fucking good xD sorry for my patient! One last question can i use file image uploader in the RDP
  4. M - regular&encode rdp,2xcpu,ssd,1gbs,2gbs,10gbs,$4/m (fr,ca,uk,de,us,nl)

    -_- , i tried one entire day searching an solution , sorry but , bad support , so slow , i lost an entire day waiting for a response and solution , im not satisfied with the service , i sent you a ticket#597718 and #366488, please bring my money back Greetings
  5. M - regular&encode rdp,2xcpu,ssd,1gbs,2gbs,10gbs,$4/m (fr,ca,uk,de,us,nl)

    o_o i think i delete the hdd ,_, , my mistake -_- you can fix it? please
  6. M - regular&encode rdp,2xcpu,ssd,1gbs,2gbs,10gbs,$4/m (fr,ca,uk,de,us,nl)

    Open the VPS and see bro , i can't see the hdd desktop , please see !
  7. M - regular&encode rdp,2xcpu,ssd,1gbs,2gbs,10gbs,$4/m (fr,ca,uk,de,us,nl)

    My personal folder it's inside of C disk , and the C disk it's full :S why? please fix it guys :( Invoice 6011
  8. M - regular&encode rdp,2xcpu,ssd,1gbs,2gbs,10gbs,$4/m (fr,ca,uk,de,us,nl)

    MMM :S i only have 9.60 gb of 50 gb ,I buy :S please see and fix it! Greetings!
  9. M - regular&encode rdp,2xcpu,ssd,1gbs,2gbs,10gbs,$4/m (fr,ca,uk,de,us,nl)

    nevermind , i see wrong xD Thanks for activated!
  10. M - Xeon E3-1270v2, 24/32GB RAM, 1Gbps Port, 60GB HDD at $9.99/month (NL)

    Im interesting for a vps , i sent you mp!