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  1. K

    Star Wars has a new Jedi

    Hey guys, just enjoy! Watch until the end its worth it :D
  2. K

    Anyone noticed Facebook was down?

    I don't know if it has something to do with the 5th of November, but Facebook was down for me for around 4 minutes at 1am (-5 GMT). Facebook mobile, iPhone app, everything was down. Even said it was down :O Anyone noticed it too?
  3. K

    Occupy Times Square - Marine vs Police Officers

    Just wanted to share this video with you guys, I bet the NYPD officers felt like shit after what he told them.
  4. K

    For those downloading iOS5

    If the download is very slow for you, you can still download it from FelixBruns, download is about 400 kb/s Thought I'd let you guys know 8-)
  5. K

    Award Winner

    What a boss!
  6. K

    Rugby explained... By hoties

    Yes yes yes :sun:! You are welcome :)
  7. K

    X Factor USA

    Anybody watching this show? This thing just amazes me! LOOK AT THIS! Starts at 2:25 but I suggest you listen the whole video ;)
  8. K

    Incredible Story

    I don't know how but a lot of my friends on Facebook have shared this picture/story. It should be viewable by everybody. Just in case...
  9. K

    Occupy WallStreet

    I mean.. For once it's a pretty peaceful event compared to all other kind of stuff happening in the world (ie riots in London). Why does the police can't let it be, police brutality is inacceptable. Just watch this video:
  10. K

    Happy Bday Google

    Don't know what I would do without you <3
  11. K

    Thought you guys would like that

    Hey guys, like techno? And of course ladies =) ? Enjoy!
  12. K

    Worth to add CPM?

    Hey guys, I currently have a personal website that have about 25UV per day, would it be worth it to add CPM to it? If yes, what's the best CPM company you guys tried? Thanks <3
  13. K

    jQuery Infinite Scrolling

    Hey guys, I have a website where I post images everyday, and I don't want to make multiple pages, just one. But now I have about maybe what 40 images on the same page? And I tried multiple times to implement jQuery Scrolling in it (Kind of the same thing as the tumblr infinite page thing)...
  14. K

    Life Lessons from Dom Mazzetti

    Just listen to this new Dalai Lama :sun: Dom Mazzetti vs. The Economy - YouTube
  15. K

    Need hosting for LEGAL site? Come here

    Hey guys, I bought a BlueHost package about a month ago, (costed me 150$ for 2 years) but at least I know it will hardly go down. I got unlimited everything so if someone needs hosting for: -Portfolio -Personal Website -Aka legal websites Send me a PM or reply here with...
  16. K

    Deep advice here Enjoy xD
  17. K | Looking for partner?

    I need a partner but I am not sure about getting one since I really like the site to be the way I want or whatever. If you think you would be a good partner for this music blog, please post in the thread :) Thank youuu <3
  18. K

    Best Marketing move ever?

    See by yourself, good job EA :facepalm:
  19. K


    I started a new website about music, it has been up for a week :) Please review it! <3
  20. K

    Shared - CPanel,1GB Space, 50GB Bandwidth from $2/month (Germany)

    I have been using CrunchHost's services for two weeks now and the speed is great, no downtimes and even a maintenance notice was emailed to me before they did it and it took no more then the time they were telling in the email. I will continue with this host, since it's the first time I don't...