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  1. C

    GFX $35 Competition

    Basically, a negro i know is paying me some $'s to modify a screenshot of his online banking (for proof of income purposes) so what i need you guys to do (only reply to this if you're sexy in gfx) i will give you copy of the ss and tell you what needs to be altered to what in a different...
  2. C


    Last night spydoctor found its way to my laptop and it kept popping up with bs, ur comp is infected and shit, u have to buy this rubbish to fix it. i x out and try and remove it but that doent work. every 5 minutes or so, it froze my comp, and u can see every browser open app being minimized and...
  3. C

    Sound issues.

    So, I downloaded a video last night, YES PORNO!!!!!!!!!! and unfortunately i didn't scan it or anything, I tried opening it and it froze. i deleted it and shit, but since then I've had this problem with sound. In the sound controls the "wave" bar gets auto muted every few minutes and during...
  4. C


    aye i got banised from sb nearly a week ago now i think my sexyness should prevail in sb again! cheers, darlings