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  1. H - Create an amazing profile

    I checked but it's free version don't have more features. :(
  2. H - Create an amazing profile

    You can check one in my sig for example. B-)
  3. H

    what is the best language for create video sharing website

    Why you want to reinvent the wheel? Better use any pre-made script.
  4. H

    paid videos scripts?

    Yes. Digital Access Pass (DAP) will do all of this and more.
  5. H

    Facebook will die in the next few years!

    Does it matters? We have got twitter, g+, pinterest, etc. Tech will change with time.
  6. H

    [Help] want help urgent wordpress

    Please post a link to your site so I can take a look & tell me what do you want exactly?
  7. H

    Hello! From India

    Thank you guys for so much warm complements !!! :sun:
  8. H

    Hello! From India

    Hi, My name is Himanshu and I'm new to this forum. I've been reading and reading for the past year but haven't actually taken any action, so I'm hoping getting involved here will help me get the courage to just go for it. Whatever it is. I'm having a little trouble focusing obviously! I...