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  1. F

    Uploadjet -We leave you before you leave us! No Support Thread

    Hello, I Want continue using your filehosting, uploads this days at last works fine for me, over 3 terabytes upload in this months...but please, pay me, if there are any problem say me. Stop uploads by the moment, because have extra money for renew (account full) but no see what is the problem...
  2. F -PPS 55% of Sale+Rebill , PPD Upto 30$ per 1000 downloads!

    Last masive deleted of my files: 1.2 terabytes. I have premium under december. Files expired in month the same (and no motivates renew account in these conditions). Conclusion: if I go on vacation a month when return don't have files in my account. Constructive critic: I think that if filegag no...
  3. F

    Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

    No pay, pending more time, and I can't see any reply of staff. In this moment filefactory not is serious, but they no problem to renew account, only for pending payments in months.
  4. F

    Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

    My conclusion is simply: all people say in forums: "I download with premium account", but premium accounts not yours, then, if people have premiums accounts of the others, filefactory has to fix this problem or closed your doors soon because one sale shared is good for all people. My stadistics...
  5. F discussion thread

    FTP, zoom, file upload, flash....all dowloads freezing for me, please fix in, anyone, is the principal priority for me. Lost my followers in all forums, people ask what happen.
  6. F discussion thread

    Web upload is not bad, but is very cumbersome (heavy) Any chance to fix rapidshare remote upload, zoom or web gestor multiupload soon? I'm have 1,4 terabytes waiting
  7. F discussion thread

    Thanks for you attention, waiting...I suppose only posibility is upload by web in this moment, better waiting that complete your works. And congratulations, good work
  8. F discussion thread

    I can't upload by zoom file image, don't recognise my account.
  9. F

    Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

    I have more poor sales because more people download with the same premium accounts. I see in webs 100 filefactory premiums accounts and all people download in this, no detected IP'S.
  10. F discussion thread

    Not working any type of uploading. Fast but 100% error. Can you fix this?
  11. F -PPS 55% of Sale+Rebill , PPD Upto 30$ per 1000 downloads!

    Not Connect to filegag page in this moment Software error: Can't execute select: Table './filegag_xfs/Sessions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired at Modules/ line 97. For help, please send mail to the webmaster (, giving this error message and the...
  12. F discussion thread

    Sharpfile is fantastic, but if you want the best server, fixs the uploads. I only can upload 2 hours of 24 at the last 5 days.
  13. F

    Uploadjet -We leave you before you leave us! No Support Thread

    Hello, have problems, What's the problem with my account? only can enter in savedata original in chrome. I'll try enter login in chrome firefox and explorer and say "incorrect password". -If change the pass enter of "out" and error. -If recover password says "does not exists". Zoom (fileimage...
  14. F Up to $30 per 1000 downloads and 50% PPS (All countries paid!)

    Hello mubin, any chance to give me another premium account? -I full the 1 terabytes count in 1 month. -First count full gives me 0,3 at day. -Can you give me second premium account? my benefits are poor and not rent to pay 2,3,4 I say, full in one month.
  15. F 50% PPS, up to 15$ PPD

    Hello, thanks by payment, but I have a problem. With the change of host, my files upload well, and with the link of zoom file image I can download....but no appears this files in my account. I'm sure that mail and pass are correct but not appears the new files. What's may be my problem, can you...
  16. F

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    thanks payment received i hope you read my MP,please,and continue good support This host is good and in the future perhaps the best good luck
  17. F

    [Official] - 60% PPS, Upto $30 Per 1000 Downloads & Mixed, 5% from Ref

    the same here farolero,you say me pay in 2 hours 7 days a go... i pay 1 month premium and later 14 $ no pay me,i hope you undestand