Search results

  1. T - Offshore Servers, 100 Mbps, 24x7 support - From $79 /mo (MY, RU)

    Why Shinjiru? Started in 2000, Shinjiru is one of the oldest and most experienced offshore webhosting company in the market. Shinjiru is the only offshore web hosting provider that has ISO 9001:2008 quality assurance level, multiple awards and recognitions. Shinjiru has been ranked in...
  2. T

    Tutorial: 30 Days to Learn HTML & CSS

    I just found an awesome complete guide for learning html and css for beginners. I hope you guys benefit from it :) The old link is not working due to a security breach at tutsplus network. The new link for the free course is...
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    960 Grid System for Developers I just found out about this site and I thought I might share :) It will be helpful to developers and coders who need a 960 Grid System :)
  4. T

    Hello Guys

    Hey WJ members ! I'm excited to join Wjunction. I hope I'll get a chance to learn lots of new stuff around there. I'm into web hosting business for quite a lot of years, and I hope my experience maybe of some help ;)