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  1. S

    [official] TVstreamScript support

    ...i think i fixed it haha. grabbing the show 'lost's' details caused it to act weird!
  2. S

    [official] TVstreamScript support

    i'll try that out mate. after testing out your getshow.php, i discovered that no matter how many shows you add with your getshow.php ... they will ALL have the same thumbnail of the latest added show. is there a way to fix that?
  3. S

    [official] TVstreamScript support

    public_html/admin/ajax :)
  4. S

    [official] TVstreamScript support

    Awesome. 'getshow.php' worked beautifully. Thanks! :) Now for autoembeds plugin to stop adding duplicate episodes and episodes that don't exist...
  5. S

    [official] TVstreamScript support

    @nulledboy, thanks for the clarification mate! that does make me feel better... eagerly awaiting for updates :)
  6. S

    [official] TVstreamScript support

    It really sucks to know that we've spent all this money, and the script is playing up... it has so much potential :( lepunk, if you're there, help us :D
  7. S

    [official] TVstreamScript support

    I emailed Tamas about the issues I am having... But no reply yet. So I figured I'll try it here. When I add a new TV show, and I click 'grab details'... I get a really crappy quality thumbnail and no description. No matter how many times I click it, it will not add a description or a good...