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  1. R

    WJunction seems a bit immature (the posts I see)

    Ya I agree ttly there are so many youngin' runnin stuff nowadays n tings so like ya
  2. R

    Post Your Desktop!

    Woohoo for Windows Vista? :'D
  3. R


    I remember him spamming the shoutbox xD
  4. R

    Legit Windows Seven Keys

    Sp32 bought them from a MS employee. 'tis legitimate serial. I vouch for him (not that it's worth much) xD
  5. R


    It's fairly nice, 3/5. I don't like the general aesthetic of the default theme. Also, I think LegendW Lounge + General Discussions would be better merged. (the earn money forum should just be a sticky in anounce or gen)
  6. R

    Gillwarez have ripped Wjunction?

    @Hawk's post rofl
  7. R

    Do you think I am a pro warez master

    His threads deserve to be banned? O_O
  8. R

    FuzzyPic - Beta ! Need Reviews / Suggestions

    God damn, that site looks really familiar.. haha I love the design, speed is good, the green is nice. I recommend increasing max image size to 10mb or 15mb for larger gfx but other than that great!
  9. R

    Check This Site

    I guess, it's the owner's decision to use it though :P
  10. R

    Check This Site

    LOL. Looks like he just did a straight rip off, logo and everything. I was on their earlier reviewing it for the owner. Gave it a 2/5 for having a shitty style with broken images :(
  11. R


    2/5 I don't like the idea of ads for registered users, but disregarding that the ad should be centered imho and looks bad on the side. There are missing icons, pictures, and the inverted Katz logo on the bottom looks horrible. I think the order of the forums is not good. But I like the...
  12. R

    Which Norton you like more........

    ESET Smart Security fan. Nortion is a POS haha. I can run a scan with ESET and then go play an hd movie and have no disturbances. Not with Norton.
  13. R

    Chrome Error | Favicon Issue

    Are you using the latest beta release? You'll see new features implemented the fastest with it. It already has extentions and themes :P so animated favicons can't be too far behind haha
  14. R

    Help me choose please

    #1, just cause I hate the general design asthetic of Apple haha
  15. R

    Best Domain Keywords?

    Miley Cyrus nude would probably get some traffic xD
  16. R

    IPB or vB?

    vB imho. IPB is a clusterfuck beyond belief haha.
  17. R

    Should I Upload Warez Too??

    Warez ftw. Don't know too many people that download more porn then warez. Normally its a 20:1 ratio or something around that (warez:porn downloads)
  18. R

    Do you even watch CAM's?

    The only CAM I've ever watched to the end was Batman The Dark Knight. Then I had to go to the theater to understand what the fuck was going on in the movie. I've tried TS's too, they are a strain on my eyes haha.
  19. R

    Would You Have .... With Your Sister?....

    What sick fuck would have sex with his own sister? Blowjobs are perfectly alright though xD
  20. R

    Do you think I am a pro warez master

    Agreed with Sp32, haha. The tone here is general pretty ;o and when the humor picks up it's fairly dry, good to see Sp32 spreading actually funny humor? ;D