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  1. P - Upload your PORN videos and Earn up to US$30 (Offical)

    Hello. In my earning account, status is pending ($20.03) since May 2 ... Is it normal ? And is it possible for you to uprgade my accound (plzzzzzz!) My username is pierrem32 Thanx a lot :)
  2. P - Upload your PORN videos and Earn up to US$30 (Offical)

    Hello. Do u have any problems with "upoading vids throught ftp" ? I upload files with cuteftp but they're not my videos directory on yr website ... Not even in the processing status ! My userid is pierremlg.
  3. P - Upload your PORN videos and Earn up to US$30 (Offical)

    Would you please update my account ? Name: pierremlg Thank you so much ! :-)