Search results

  1. BinTech

    Introducing our new theme, Clarity!

    Finally the dark theme is here! Thanks guys, looks very nice now.
  2. BinTech

    Introducing our new theme, Clarity!

    Looks pretty clean. Can't wait for the dark theme mentioned. My eyes are on fire with this white background.
  3. BinTech

    RLSLOG is closed . Any alternatives for it ?

    Software Archive maybe?
  4. BinTech

    Introducing our new theme, Almighty!

    The look is alright. I still prefer the old style though. I find it hard to find anything now. I doubt I will get comfortable with the new theme. Anyway, the decission isn't mine, so let's see what happens down the road.
  5. BinTech

    URGENT! Update Windows, New vulnerability

    Always nice to take note of new issues. I prefer Linux both for my personal machines and for servers. I do have a few hypervisors running various Windows instances, so it's nice to stay informed.
  6. BinTech

    Website page slow Solution

    CDN for sure. That will mitigate the problem for clients. If you find it slow when working with the server, for example while developing, you should make sure that the server is hosted relatively near to your own location, or with a premium provider with decent peering. The reason I say premium...
  7. BinTech

    Will you get vaccinated for COVID-19?

    They make it as if you have a choice in my country. But you really don't, as you are banned from a lot of things without it. IF you go without a vaccine, you will at least need to be tested every 2-3 days to be social. Solely based on this, I have gotten the first of two treatments. They are...
  8. BinTech

    Use premium host in rdp?

    My guess would be that your friend had a remote desktop, hosted on a shared server with multiple people sharing the same IP (hypervisor). I can see why that would get you banned, as a file host can't know if you are the sole user, or if a bunch of people are sharing a premium account against...
  9. BinTech

    Setting up Home Server for RDP Services - Good Idea or not

    I would stay away from it. I agree with the con-comments above. DMCA at your doorstep is not something you want. You can't really be sure that you can hide behind nice DMCA practices and be safe. In the end, you can be liable, if you don't have "sufficient anti-piracy measures" in place...
  10. BinTech

    Mr & Mrs T. R.

    Nice one & welcome. Used to be a vBulletin guy myself, but I have converted to XenForo long since. It is (or at least was) much easier and more fluid to work with. It was a b*** back in the day to work with add-ons on vB.
  11. BinTech

    Where do you register domains and why?

    I used to deal with enom. Not the cheapest, considering that you have to pay for ID protection. They have tons of features in all kinds of areas though and their staff are professionals. Relatively recently, Tucows Inc. made a change, so all privately held domains were transfered to Hover. So I...
  12. BinTech

    Best forum software?

    phpBB is nice for a free forum software, but I prefer paid. Xenforo is my choice these days. So easy to modify with add-ons. I used to be a vBulletin customer in the past, but today I would recommend XenForo. It is such a fluid experience.
  13. BinTech

    How to be an uploader?

    If you value greater earnings, I assume that you would look at using a handful with the best payouts. I will leave the research to you. Personally I don't upload much and never to earn, but I see why some would go that route. What do you mean by own? As in having paid accounts with hosters? I...
  14. BinTech

    Vice Administrator - me!

    New active people on the staff team is always the way to go. Looking forward to see what's new.
  15. BinTech

    best browser?

    Pretty pointless question as it depends on the person's preferences. I prefer Pale Moon as it's very light and stable and doesn't have the insane update spree that Firefox does. I prefer Gecko/Goanna browsers due to the way they work and the great add-ons. I haven't been able to supplement...
  16. BinTech

    How many Multimedia devices do you own at your home ?

    Workstation. Gaming rig. Gaming laptop. 2 Office laptops. Skype laptop. Netbook. 2 servers. Media center. Android TV box. Android TV stick. Smartphone. Tablet. Raspberry Pi. Smart TV. Guess it's 16 devices unless I forgot some.
  17. BinTech

    Editing "My Website(s)"

    Odd. I clearly see the field for it now, but I swear it wasn't there last I checked. I wonder what gives. Maybe some script blocking. Thanks anyway Rox.
  18. BinTech

    Can you live without the Internet?

    I guess I could if I were occupied with something constantly. But it is my hobby with servers and network, so the answer is no as soon as I get bored :D
  19. BinTech

    What are the best video games you ever played?

    The Mass Effect Series. The Neverwinter Nights Series. The Elder Scrolls Series (with the exception of the online game). The Resident Evil Series (with the exception of RE7). The Silent Hill Series. I keep playing and re-playing these games as they are dead awesome. I love games with a good story.
  20. BinTech

    What you think about Windows 10?

    With all its new fancy oddities and the obvious privacy issues, it made my choice of permanently changing to Linux easy. Now I only use Windows for my gaming machine and an RDP server for a few specific purposes.