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  1. N

    Freakshare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Freakshare here.

    21.02.2013 - 15:57 - Paid! But not 30 BUSINESS day..
  2. N - Earn up to $30 for 1000 downloads!

  3. N - Earn up to $30 for 1000 downloads!

    ftp upload not working... "421 Too many connections (3) from this IP" ??? one connection...
  4. N - Earn up to $30 for 1000 downloads!

    edit: mkay but yesterday upload is working fine for me. waiting for the update.
  5. N - PPD UP to $30/1000 downloads - Daily Payouts

    Sorry but: My 2 posts: (sorry for my english...) And he is one questions: You reply this and how is it different?
  6. N

    Vidpe: 0-3 Days Payout, $30 PPD/50% PPS/Mixed

    Plz add Hungary for Tier 2 :(
  7. N

    Vidpe: 0-3 Days Payout, $30 PPD/50% PPS/Mixed

    Thank you for my 3. payment. And thanks the compensation. :) Nice host!
  8. N

    Vidpe: 0-3 Days Payout, $30 PPD/50% PPS/Mixed

    New ppd plan not cool.:( Add plz Hungary for tier 2 group
  9. N - Earn up to $30 for 1000 downloads!

    referral affiliate? porn allowed?:)
  10. N

    Vidpe: 0-3 Days Payout, $30 PPD/50% PPS/Mixed

    Thank you for my first payment! :)