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  1. D

    Blogger help with domain

    For wordpress i dont know,but in blogger i think you cant (but i'm not sure)
  2. D

    Blogger help with domain

    I have fixed it (it needed dns edit),thanks for replies
  3. D

    Blogger help with domain

    I made a blogger site and assosiated it with a registered domain like The problem is if i enter the domain without www (e.g i get an error in browser (only with www and http://www enters without problem) Any help to fix this?
  4. D – $17PPS, $35/1000 Downloads – Make Your Life Easier - Go with FS!

    Is there any problem with file manager?? Because i upload some files via ftp but after they finish successfully i cant find them in "manage files"
  5. D

    How to install filezilla in centos

    Hi I want to install filezilla in centos 5.4 Does anyone knows how to do it? (yum install filezilla didn't work) edit I found it,ok
  6. D

    [Request] Scc invite

    Because scc it's better (as i heard)
  7. D

    [Request] Scc invite

    Hi As i tell in the title i am looking for a scc invite I know it's difficult to get in but i am not new in torrents as i'm member also in other private trackers (tl,gft etc) Thanks,if anyone has and wants to give me...
  8. D

    FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

    Ok i found the mistake and now working,thanks
  9. D

    FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

    Rapidshare to fileserve remote upload works?? Because i put some rs links,i put my rs login and password and then pressed submit but nothing happened
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    Rich 16 Year Old Makes $400k in 45 days

    Send me too a copy of the book if you can..thanks
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    What File host you prefer next to RS and HF

    Netload or megaupload
  12. D

    Rapidshare Flash Uploader

    looks nice I haven't tried this yet,but looks nice...