Search results

  1. R

    Hiring Server and/or vbulletin expert

    I run a very busy forum on an unmanaged dedicated server. I need someone to help manage/admin the server and help with issues I can't do myself. I'm quite new to servers. This will be a monthly deal. Thanks.
  2. R

    help with litespeed

    I got new hardware added to my server today and now I cannot restart litespeed...It just tells me litespeed cannot be started check error log. I have a cracked version of litespeed which requires me to change the key every couple weeks. I don't really know much about servers...someone set up...
  3. R

    WRZhost issues...

    I try not to post here when i have an issue but it seems to get me the fastest response. My site is down once again but this time it's really weird. Opera and firefox are loading completely different index.html pages...The forum itself will not load nor will the cmps. Opera was working until...
  4. R


    Anyone else's site down? Mine is for over 12 hours:mad: