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  1. P

    Wordpress 3.0 menu/navigation (help please)

    Hi, i want to add a navbar below the header of my site but when i try to add one using this "<?php wp_nav_menu();>" this happens I want something like the one in does anyone know how to do it using WP3.0 or some other software?
  2. P

    Warez is it?

    review my site please theres not much yet, ill be filling it with more stuff before i start submitting real downloads. to be added : 1# a chatbox 2# a forum ( later than sooner) 3# download links with on the link (when i fill the site with...
  3. P

    Uploaders Resource?

    Hi so i built my first site now (blog type) but i want it to have new or relatively new stuff in it. Soon i'm gonna get myself a remote desktop to download/upload stuff because my home connection blows. My question is, when i do get myself a remote desktop how do i maximize it to get the...
  4. P

    Hi! new guy here

    Hi guys new guy in the scene, ive been uploading for 3 months or so. Now I want to start my own warez site. I'm thinking of making a blog first then add a forum later on. Wish me luck :D