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  1. D

    Wordpress Category Tree View

    Hi, anyone know of any plugin that can do this type of categories for wordpress please: Thanks
  2. D

    DLE "dle_views" table becoming big

    Hi, I am running Datalife Engine and notice that the size of the table "dle_views" in my database is getting very big. Is there a way to delete them? will this cause any problem to the website. Cheers
  3. D

    Selling DLE download website | PR1

    Hi everyone, am selling my datalife engine website which is 2 years old. Just renewed the domains : for 1 year. It is registered with godaddy. Included with the sale is the complete website + domain + hosting. the hosting is a VPS, 5cores paid until 28/06/2012...
  4. D

    DLE Huge database deleting outdated post problem

    Hi, I am using DLe on my website and the sql database is now 6GB with more than 1 million posts. I am having a problem when trying to delete outdated posts or when trying to delete about 100 posts at once the server keep sending "INTERNAL ERROR" message.. and i cant do anything.. I can only...
  5. D

    Hiring someone to optimize DLE script

    Hi, i need someone to optimize my DLE script on Its running on a 5 cores server with 2gb ram, but mysql is still using all the CPU resources and creating high load on the server. I got the server optimized but this doesnt help much. I was told that the sript need to be...
  6. D

    DLE Heavy cpu load

    Hi, i am running a DLE portal. It have around 700K posts on it and its taking a lot of resources. I cannot even run it on a server with 12Gb Ram + quadcore processor. Is there a way to reduce these loads? When i do command "top" on ssh, it shows that mysql is using 300%+ of resources? Anyone...
  7. D

    LE need your help

    LE needs your help to grow up.. Please exchange link.. All websites are welcome.. Add our link and let us know.. we will add yours.. Thanks <a href="" title="Your Last Downloads Destination" target="_blank"><b><img...