Search results

  1. R

    redirecting to forum

    hi all, i created a legal blog site for android apps games etc..i also own a warez it ok if for example i create a post and i put download links redirecting to my warez forum or should i put the links that i uploaded in filesonic?i don t wanna break the rules of google adsense so just...
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    regarding changing domain

    hi guys, how to redirect existing domain to new domain? i bought a new one and i wish to redirect them to new domain within same host also i m running vbulletin software with vbseo ...please help thanks
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    adding affialite links to footer

    hi guys how to add affiliate links in my footer like this on the pic below? this may sound easy for some but i m not good @ vbulletin i m learning about it so plz help me and no cheap comments thanks in advance
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    le with

    hi all, i would like to do link exchange with any forum/blog for free coz my forum is just few weeks old so please let me know if ur interested thanks <a href="" title="uniquedll">free downloads rapidshare megaupload warez forum</a> add mine and i ll add urs thanks
  5. R

    2 new forums looking for staff

    Name of your site :, Link to the forum, Genre :warez forum Forum Software : vbulletin 4.1.3 (might be upgrading to 4.1.5 pl1) Position available: supporting staff (need active ones who can help me bring traffic to...
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    upgrading nulled vbulletin to legal version of vbulletin

    hi all, i have a nulled vbulletin forum i wish to upgrade to legal version i mean buying legal forum it possible?or should i start over again :(.or is it ok to continue with nulled version of vbulletin.i have installed vb 4.1.3 patch level 3.i m running it on offshore hosting so i...
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    google indexing problem :(

    hello all, This is the site url my friend bought hosting and installed dle (datalife engine) and he didn t install it properly and before that mybb was he asked me to install a forum software so i choose when i search in google for uniquedll i get...
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    hello all, i started off a new forum for my friend well i a newbie webmaster and also i m not very good at vbulletin software (learning about it slowly). so u can expect mistakes :facepalm:.regarding favicon and logo i not finding anybody who accepts liberty reserve :D here is the url...
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    Medical forum

    hi guys i m planning to start a forum/blog for medicine coz i am a doc so lets says medical warez :D or maybe a legal site i have not yet decided..videos and e books and discussion forum or is it better to make a blog?? can u suggest me a good domain name i m out of ideas LOL and if there are...
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    Other rapidleech/sborg

    hi all i would like to buy rapidleech/sborg hosting space 5-10gb bandwidth-2 TB or unmetered prices upto 10$ payment mode- Liberty reserve plz suggest me the host that accepts liberty reserve thanks
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    need logo and favicon for my new forum

    hi guys i started a new forum www.uniquedll.comso i need a logo and favicon either free or i m ready pay payment mode: liberty reserve. contact me @ thanks
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    new way to earn extra money from ur forums/blogs or uploading

    hello to all webmasters and uploaders here are u earning more than 100$ by uploading or u have a website that makes u 100$ or maybe 1000's of $$$ per day if yes i can show u a way to make extra cash.that would be 150% more than that ur earning.for more details pm me.or reply here if ur...
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    Shared sharedhosting

    hello all, I m helping my friend start a new dle(datalife engine) warez site so i m looking for reliable hosting.i don t really know how to manage a vps so i think its better to go for shared hosting well not sure :) my requirements server location:Netherlands space:5gb or more...
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    links clickable

    hi all, i installed this script on my forum firefox it works fine but in internet explorer it gives me an error :'( any help would be appreciated thanks i want only 3 hosts to be clickable so added this
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    professional coder/custom theme maker

    i m hiring professional coder/theme creator for vb 3.8.6 forum we need light skin that should be unique preferably white color based my budget 25$ my forum is a warez-forum so i need u to code accordingly. board now closed for maintainence plz reply
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    VPS looking for reliable vps for my forum

    i m looking for a vps for my forum.My forum link we have a 3* katz forum we r expecting next month to be 4* we are currently hosted on they request us to move to vps coz we have more than 300 connections as they say. i m looking for managed vps coz i m new...
  17. R

    help regarding vbulletin theme

    hi guys, i have been searching for unique theme for my forum and i like this theme i wish to know where i can download this theme i searched over the net i couldn t find anywhere anybody can make a similar theme for me i can pay not a problem or if...
  18. R

    sborg multiposter help

    i m using latest version of sborg the features are great.i m currently posting to ip board.i created template for it.i transcode everything is fine.shows that it has posted in sborg but i don t find it in forum where it posted <_< so plz anybody using sborg has the same difficulties or am i...
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    installing vbulletin,phpbb,mybb

    hello guys i want to help this community so i would like to help people who dream of having a forum of their own and donno how to install vbulletin,phpbb, me or add me to yahoo at i ll be glad to help ;) Note for moderators:- plz move to appropriate...
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    Buying rapidleech host with working hotfile plugin

    hello wj members i looking for rapidleech host providing me with working hotfile plugin if there is any host plz reply here or pm me or add me to yahoo msger @