Search results

  1. S

    Selling Blog/Forum Theme PSD

    I'm selling a website design which was originally for a blog but never used. This is originally a blog design but could be easily made into a forum template aswell. I'm only selling the PSD so it will need coding Start price: $5
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    Collapsible panels wordpress help

    Hey, I'm wanting to show posts from a wordpress blog on another part of my site which isn't wordpress and I've got the code to do that but I'm wanting to show the last 10 posts in a collapsible panels. I tried using this for it <?php // Include Wordpress define('WP_USE_THEMES'...
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    downloading full folders?

    Does anyone know how I could download full folders from ftps through a browser? like appreciate any help thanks.
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    Stop other hosts posting in other hosting threads.

    The title says it all. Reason why I say this is as I read more and more all I see if childish bitching about each host. There like my host is bigger and better than yours, etc. It's just pathetic. I remember reading a post about how all the fail hosts are run by kids but if you start...
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    Spotify invites?

    Any chance any one has a Spotify invite they could send me? Thanks
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    Good porn image hoster?

    I'm looking for a good image hoster to host some porn images that pays well. If you know any let me know. thanks
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    Auto rar?

    Does anyone know of a program that will auto archive a torrent as soon as it has finished downloading? I know there is one to extract it but haven't found one able to archive one. Any help would be appreciated
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    Dedicated [WTB] 500GB + HDD and 1GBPS

    Hey, I'm looking for a dedi that has over 500GB HDD and a 1gbps port. Other specs arn't that important really. Looking for something cheapish if possible.
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    I'm not to sure if I'm going to start this site up but before I do what would you think of having this type of theme and post layouts?
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    Offering my services [Read Thread for more info]

    As I've got no site's of my own now and I only really upload I'm looking for a job/place to help out around. What I can do: Admin (I've ran a few forums of my own in the past, preferred to not give out details as I like to keep the past in the past) Moderator Uploader - only...
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    Why have people stopped buying RapidShare accounts?

    I don't get it, All I've read so far for the reason is that one guy who sold a lot to this warezfreak guy got his account banned at RapidShare. I don't see why it warrents everyone to stop buying them because one seller fucked up. Or are they're other reasons?
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    Selling RapidShare Accounts $5

    I've been uploading on and off for a few weeks now and I've once again started to upload on a regular basis meaning I can start to sell RapidShare accounts again. I sell accounts for $5 each. Currently I have 5 for sale Here's an image of my account to date: If you have doubt that my...
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    Complete Setup Guide for Linux Seedboxes (Fedora Core/CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu)

    This is one hell of an awesome tutorial I found over at FileSharing talk for setting up a seedbox. Like I said I found it somewhere so I take no credit for it as all the credit goes to the original creator here...
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    VPS control panels

    What's the best control panel for a vps? As I'm wanting to get one but I don't want to pay a lot at all, free alternative would be great. So please let me know :) Thanks
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    Hiring Coder to downgrade my forum from vb4 to vb3.8

    I'm looking for a coder that would be able to perform a downgrade from vb4 to vb3.8. Please tell me your price and msn so we can talk about it more.
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    Switching from vB to IPB, easy?

    Is switching from vb to IPB easy? if so how would I go about doing it? and would there be any way I could make any old vb links redirect to the new ipb ones? Thanks
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    Buying Ad spots on mid - high traffic sites,

    I'm looking to buy some ad spots on for my site so please list what you've got :) I'm looking for spots on a mid to high traffic site and its a must to have pr1+ unless you've got really high traffic. Please post the following if you selling ad spots: Site url: Position of spot...
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    I've just put up SceneCentral after a few days of setting it all up and getting it running. Just wanted to hear your opinions on the skin and can you see anything that could do with improvements.
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    Hiring Graphics worker

    I'm looking to hire someone to do some graphics work for me. What I need doing is: A logo around 300x100px Forum Statusicons/Announcement Icons/Thread Icons/and other little graphics that may be needed for the forum And a sig and avatar that says SceneMan with some abstract/colourful...