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    How to install nexusphp on windows

    I'm looking some one to install nexusphp in my windows server 2008r2. I was trying to install this script by myself but i failed thats why im looking for help. If you can help me please send a mp Thank you.
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    Hey guys! Im looking for an encoding RDP with: - Good connection (1gbps) - Disck Space 400-500gb. - Torrents. - Admin Rights (OPTIONAL) - Demo. - EU server if possible. Budget: 40-50$ Thanks.
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    VPN service.

    I want to buy a good VPN service. budget... i think 15-30 is good. But first i want a demo to check if the vpn is working with some sites. Thanks
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    Help with Squid & OpenVPN

    Hi guys... Im trying to install squid & Open VPN in my ubuntu server 12.04 But im tired of trying to install these programs... always it shows me an errors and blablabla.... I need to have installed these programs for Real-debrid to unlock my server... If someone can help i would be so...
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    Other RDP/VPS ENCODING with public torrent.

    Hey guys i need a good rdp encoding with public torrent, unmetered (Holand, UK, DE, USA) and good space. My budget 30-40$ Or... vps that permit encoding and public torrents. Thank you very much.