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  1. J

    Slow Windows Remote Desktop

    Hi everyone, I recently purchased a windows remote desktop from a kimsufi reseller. It is the most basic plan which can be seen on the kimsufi website: It's the Kimsufi 2G one. Anyway, I am experiencing some lag. It's not horrible, but it is annoying. Is...
  2. J

    High Serverload

    My hosting provider keeps shutting down my VPS and telling me I have high serverload. I have no idea how this is happening though. I run the same number of torrents through torrentflux as I did a few months back (on a less powerful VPS) and I never had problems back then. Since I upgraded...
  3. J

    Maximum file size FSC premium user can download

    Hi, I tried asking in the FSC offical thread but nobody replied. The FAQ states it's 5GB but that's quite an old post and I dont know if its been updated. Does anyone know what the maximum file size a premium user of Filesonic can download? Thanks,
  4. J

    What does iNTERNAL mean?

    I have in the warez scene for a long time.. but I never found out what this means. I.E. when you see: South.Park.S01E01.iNTERNAL.DVDRip.XviD-OSiRiS Thanks :D
  5. J

    Does remote upload from MU to FS and FSC work?

    For all those who own a MU premium account and remote upload to Fileserve and Filesonic, does this work? I would like to know before purchasing an MU account since it's only purpose would be as a backup host. Thanks, :D
  6. J

    How to increase quality traffic to forum

    Hey, what's the best way to increase quality traffic to my forum: I have been finding it difficult, mainly because documentaries are not all that popular in the warez world. But I figured it would be possible to carve out a niche (there is only one other major...
  7. J

    Does Filesonic MD5 ban?

    Does anyone know if Filesonic MD5 bans? Thanks :)
  8. J

    Filesonic Stats Problem

    Hey I have a problem with Filesonic stats. I know I am getting downloads but they are not showing up on the Filesonic stats page... I can see downloads being counted when I go to Filemanager like so: But never on the stats...
  9. J

    A domain name for my forum?

    It's going to be a documentary based forum. Thought of and eduwarez so far but neither seem that good... Any ideas appreciated :D
  10. J

    Filesonic Banners Question

    This question is about Filesonic banners which are on this page: If someone registers a premium account through one of these banners. Is that a 60% of total value of premium sale, or is it 5%? Thanks,