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  1. R

    100TB speed problems

    Hi, does anyone know how to improve download speed from usenet cuz right now i am getting 3mb download maximum? I am using Sabnzbd and its realy lightweight and it was awesome on OVH server... Ive tried us and eu usenet server but download is still slow as hell... Also my server is in Washington...
  2. R

    Question about 100TB servers

    Hi, does anyone know do i get with Windows 2003 SP2 remote desktop or i have to setup it by myself? Also i am planning to use it for uploading so can anyone tell how much i can upload on Fileserve and Hotfile? I think that that i can easily push around 800gb per day? Thanks in advance...
  3. R

    Installing Remote Desktop on a Linux VPS With Ubuntu 9

    This tutorial is for Ubuntu 9 32bit This tutorial was created and tested for VPS from KnowInServers... Requirements : puTTy TightVNC Step 1 : Connect to your vps/server with putty : After entering your IP adress click on Open... After that you'll get this...