Recent content by yvegay

  1. Y

    BitShare discussion thread

    There won't be a problem. You can reveive more than 200, you just can't withdraw more than 200.
  2. Y

    BitShare discussion thread

    Same here. Just relax and wait ;)
  3. Y

    BitShare discussion thread

    Anyone experienced rank drop in last days? I`ve had platinum for quite a long time and yesterday it droped to gold. I hope this is just one of their lately issues and not a permanent change.
  4. Y

    BitShare - Free File Storage and Cloud Hosting

    Rockingevil: It is sad that you are sinking but taking someone with you just because of it (by raporting him to bitshare) is wrong thing to do. Your situation looks really odd but by doing such things you may loose support of this community.
  5. Y

    RapidGator 50% on PPS, up to 35$ for 1000 Downloads

    It is difference between what i expect and what should be expected...
  6. Y

    RapidGator 50% on PPS, up to 35$ for 1000 Downloads

    Few questions: Will missing downloads be added to statistics or they will be gone forever? If they're gone, should we expect some extra money instead (promo or sth)? I dont know now if I should send my upload now or just wait so please be kind and answer Newrapidgator.
  7. Y

    RapidGator 50% on PPS, up to 35$ for 1000 Downloads

    Poland deserves better ratings. You should really consider moving it to group B at least if you don't want to lose the whole market there. I can see how people in Poland reacted for your move and you can be shure that after last payment everybody will escape from you.