Recent content by Sharpfile-2

  1. S discussion thread

    Your going to see this if the file is on the server that's currently down for drive replacement - it's bugging me too but this server needs new drives or they will fail completely soon. By the way - that little avatar of yours really freaks me out ! :D
  2. S discussion thread

    Yup - done. Please don't think I was having a go at you mate - I know your intentions are good :) ---------- Post added at 07:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 PM ---------- My inbox was nowhere near full mate, but I've cleared out the oldest stuff anyway just for you <3 :P
  3. S discussion thread

    Please don't post those payment received messages please - I know you are being nice but it kinda doesn't help the cause much - cheers.
  4. S discussion thread

    How would you do it ?
  5. S discussion thread

    Announcement On Stats Hi Guys - I think I finally figured out why some people have been thinking their stats are wrong... read on ... I've had so many pm's - so many screen caps lol - usually it's of a 251mb file earning less than the owner thinks it should, and until now I've been at a loss...
  6. S discussion thread

    Absolute and utter crap. Why are you even here mate ? I guess you just like harassing people ?. Since you've made it quite obvious that you don't like sharpfile and I suspect no matter what we do, no matter how hard we try, you will never be happy, then I invite you to move your files elsewhere...
  7. S discussion thread

    In your file manager where your files are listed - you will see that the files are arranged in rows, and the values are arranged in columns. The headers for the columns are as follows - File Name-Description/Size/DL/Money/Uploaded - now if you click on any of those headers it will sort your...
  8. S discussion thread

    It's not broken - you just click on the column headers to sort by whatever method you want :sun: Confirmed, but I think it might be because the script is being worked on. If it's still happening in a few hours I'll get it looked at :sun:
  9. S discussion thread

    The server is actually up and running now, but I believe there are some configuration issues to resolve first. When I know - you'll know :sun:
  10. S discussion thread

    I'd just like to point out that these problems have been going on for about 4 weeks or so, and have been lessening all the time. I don't know if anyone remembers but it took a certain large host (who ripped a lot of people off !) the best part of a year to get anywhere near 100% (if they ever...
  11. S discussion thread

    Thanks to one of our affiliates (you know who you are) who sent me very detailed info about this 'malicious' popup issue, we have been able to identify the culprit and block it completely. That issue is now 100% fixed. @zoomg - I noticed you didn't quote the second part of my post :p lol
  12. S discussion thread

    Port 182 was retained to make the migration easier - it was a concious decision, not an accident. Just to be clear - the only secure port is a closed port.
  13. S discussion thread

    The last info I had was that it was 'happening' - I'm sure when it's done they'll let me know, and I'll let you know :sun:
  14. S discussion thread

    Not yet no - so far we have been busy fixing stuff lol, but as soon as he gets back I'll ask him :)
  15. S discussion thread

    FTP is being worked on so it might be up and down for a while. File deletion - I found a bug where the wrong reasons (or no reason at all) where being given for file deletion - it is on todays list. So - if you've had files deleted for reasons you don't understand, then that's why - it was...