Recent content by SceneMan

  1. S

    Other, Unmetered, from $9.95 / month (France, USA,NL)

    has anyone purchased any of his plans? also what are you set up times like
  2. S

    WJ Skin - Stage 2 Vote Design

    narutoroot [2]
  3. S

    Other Offshore Rapidleech / TF Package, 1Gbps port

    How many torrents are allowed to run simultaneously for the Gold package?
  4. S

    Selling Advanced ReleaseLog Crawler + Reuploader

    Hey does this only generate the post in bbcode? or will it also do html so it can post straight to a blog?
  5. S

    Selling Blog/Forum Theme PSD

    Ah okay So any bidders?
  6. S

    Selling Blog/Forum Theme PSD

    erm thanks but not sure what you mean when you say it looks like a default skin?
  7. S

    Selling Blog/Forum Theme PSD

    I'm selling a website design which was originally for a blog but never used. This is originally a blog design but could be easily made into a forum template aswell. I'm only selling the PSD so it will need coding Start price: $5
  8. S

    Collapsible panels wordpress help

    Hey, I'm wanting to show posts from a wordpress blog on another part of my site which isn't wordpress and I've got the code to do that but I'm wanting to show the last 10 posts in a collapsible panels. I tried using this for it <?php // Include Wordpress define('WP_USE_THEMES'...
  9. S

    Oh look are down again

    You brought him in when you created this thread. If you don't want people to reply then don't post a thread or post at all. As for the host been down, how do you expect us to know anymore than you. 8-)
  10. S

    See your daily Rapidshare points status

    Any chance we could get a few screenshots Mr Happy just to get a look at it as it sounds good and sounds a lot better than RUM for to get that sort of info.
  11. S

    Just wanted to say this

    Well why didn't you get all other TLD's and just have them redirecting to your site? Also are you even sure he ripped the name as for all you know he could have thought of it own and saw .com available and thought no one else had it. Meh, Royal King beat me to it =/
  12. S

    Selling Auto Upload Script

    Still waiting for a reply to my post the coon
  13. S

    Post Your Desktop! LEMONS :D
  14. S

    Selling Auto Upload Script

    I've got a few questions as I'm very interested in this. 1. How easy is it to install as what if you install it first time on one server then we decide to change host how would we install it on there? Would you have a guide, tutorial set up? As I wouldn't fancy having to pay a set up fee...