Recent content by robinton

  1. R

    Reducing Web Access

    yes an iframe in a website with 22000 traffic per day
  2. R

    Reducing Web Access

    mywebsite is and it's warez i didnt use any seo method .just wait wait We asked a seo team to work on our website and do white hat seo to help us and make us more popular on google.we found out that the team put a frame at a huge traffic website. The moment we figured this out, We...
  3. R

    Reducing Web Access

    my warez website had 1300 1500 direct ip per day and about half them was from google when i checked my analytics 2 days ago i saw my traffic reduced to 200 why!!??? what's wrong? Apparently i lost my traffic from google and there is no message in webmaster? how can i solve this?
  4. R

    Want Likes for your FB Page? Come Here

    Please like my page : i need 29 more likes on my Page to get access to insights about my activity. tnx buddy
  5. R

    Make money from vpn account Reseller

    requested test accounts were sent
  6. R - Earn Up to $8.00 Per 1000 Image Views (Allow Adult or Non-Adult Images)

    i tested it and open about 11 tab in my browser . it's very bad
  7. R - how to use a word in a sentence

    I found a good website about learning english, And I'd like to share it with you too. Here is the website address: In this website you learn how to use a word in a sentence, I liked the idea, Although it's not a new idea, But their affort is respectful. If your english is not...
  8. R


    Thanks for your nice words. __________________ Added after 58 minutes: tnx for reply which item must be configure to do this? _pop.push(['minBid', 0]); _pop.push(['popundersPerIP', 0]); _pop.push(['delayBetween', 0]); _pop.push(['default', false]); _pop.push(['defaultPerDay'...
  9. R


    sorry it;s fixed
  10. R


    hi guys please review our website tnx
  11. R

    DDoS Protection? what should i do

    realy? so can you please tell me what is Ct_limit in csf in configuration ? please see this
  12. R

    Good Ads earnings

    sorry guys for this question? what is net15 and net45?
  13. R

    Make money from vpn account Reseller

    i earn money from saturnvpn about 30-40$ per day you can use it too i can give you 3 days unlimitted data transfer test account for wjunction members: If you would like to test their services more, Just let me know in this thread. I will send you a free test account, And you can test their...
  14. R

    DDoS Protection? what should i do

    you can limit number of connection from each ip in csf for example after 100 connection ip go to the banned list i think it prevent ddos atack somewhat
  15. R

    Help DataLife

    help for what? what you need?