Recent content by Pink PanthEr

  1. P

    which video converter is good?

    AVS is great... i love it. ..............................try total video converter
  2. P

    Post your FileSonic earnings Screenshot

    After all my hard work i get this ^^:'(manually posting on 2 forums.4-5 quality posts everyday.what makes me sad is people download everything from MU links and dont even bother to say thank you X-( ....i tried using a multiposter too and when i finished posting and clicked on the link that was...
  3. P

    What is Your Favourite Shampoo?

    flex...try it.All other brands are crap.clear men is an exception but flex is the best shampoo.i love it.
  4. P

    Your favorite animal...

  5. P

    Post your FileSonic earnings Screenshot

    My very first just getting started...
  6. P

    Forums\tv shows

    i need the list too.p.m please
  7. P

    Hard Disk Status is Null and Loss Data

    try some data recovery software like "get data back" or "recover my files" and dont right anything on your hdd and in some cases you can recover data from a formatted disk .you just need the right software.
  8. P

    hi to all :)

    it is a gaming forum ...nothing special .
  9. P

    Facebook - How to hide profile from friends lists?

    tell A to hide his friends list..or block B's account...simple.
  10. P

    hi to all :)

    welcome aboard...btw are you the dexter786 from PG?
  11. P

    Interesting Real Ghosts Videos

    i do believe in super natural stuff but most events shown in the video aren't real ... nothing scary..
  12. P

    sooooo i fucked myself big time (winrar)

    try this ... login from another user account (must be a administrator) goto C:\Users\"your user name"\Desktop and delete all the rar files.hope it helps..
  13. P

    How many languages do you speak on a daily basis?

    English,Urdu, and Russian... (still learning)
  14. P

    Pink PanthEr here!

    Hi everyone... Pink PanthEr here! been stalking this forum for sometime and finally decided to create an account and contribute to the ongoing discussions....see y'all in the forum :D ...