Recent content by oceanking

  1. oceanking

    Well-priced Dedicated Servers| DDoS protect, UNMETERED traffic!

    Hello, which cryptos do you accept? Does XMR works for you guys?
  2. oceanking

    Funny enough i no longer see the banner and the sponsored by logo
  3. oceanking

    Need help

    Hit me up, let's see what's the issue
  4. oceanking

    Review: fa5ud2obkjpswietrk4bim6lqsfrofh2yb7od5wrsobxg6txdj47elyd.onion (18+)

    I wanna know your logical thinking behind the usage of onion site. I know its because of site not taken down but did you though of the slow and bad user experience. There are better alternatives to using onion site for piracy stuff
  5. oceanking

    BTC wallet suggestions

    Only use a open source wallet and only used the open source build of those wallets. Like this one from Fdroid Never ever trust a closed source app with your crypto. Exchange wallets are good for just hot swapping your coin's and...
  6. oceanking

    Which password manager are you guys using?

    I use keepassxc with syncthing runing to keep password synchronized between multiple devices
  7. oceanking

    When selecting a hosting provider, what factors are most important to you?

    Few things i like to see out on the site rather than contacting there support. - How much bandwidth @ port Speed up/down Shared/Dedicated (we all know unlimited, unmetered does not exist on sub $500 Plans) - What happens on Overage of Said Limits. - Location Of Server and Company - Reseller or...
  8. oceanking

    NL Dedicated Special -> Dual XEON E52690v3 - 128GB DDR4 - 4x 10TB SAS on 10G Port!!!!

    hello, You're VPS what happens if the allocated Bandwidth is reached? Do you Accept XMR? i see BTC but no other Crypto. Thanks
  9. oceanking

    Watching trailers from IMDB is paid

    Not IMDB itself. But say like you lauching a new movie and want views for the trailers for that movie so that imdb can push your movie to more audience
  10. oceanking

    Watching trailers from IMDB is paid

    Most likely paid promotions to boost movie/series listing on IMDB. Like paid reviews for amazon listing.
  11. oceanking

    Is it possible to make an mp4 into a header image/jpg?

    I'm too tired to make a full detailed response but short answer is no
  12. oceanking Powerful Dedicated Servers - The Best Coverage in North America!

    Hello, on your storage servers do you allow torrents?
  13. oceanking

    Affordable VPS Hosting|| The Best local connectivity USA, CA!

    what about running torrents on your Storage servers?
  14. oceanking

    Premium Plus WolfStream.TV IS BACK - Video Service Official Support | Up To $50 Per 10k Views!

    Ok i apologies for my rude comment, but you should understand that no one goes out of there way to say something. Only when you are frustrated. The absurd decision that are made by you or whoever is running the show is baffling to say the least. Hope you can get your act together and work on...
  15. oceanking

    Premium Plus WolfStream.TV IS BACK - Video Service Official Support | Up To $50 Per 10k Views!

    Is your api still not working, and who the f decided to rate limit the API to 4 requests per min, per min.