Recent content by Matol

  1. M


    Looking for moderators and supermoderators on a gaming forum :P a legal one :P anyone intrestead ?
  2. M

    Looking for Friends

    I am intrestead to ;) pm me
  3. M

    Need staff members for ShockWarez.Org

    As i said in the post NEW COMMUNITY :)
  4. M

    Need staff members for ShockWarez.Org

    Hey guys i need Moderators, Unloaders and Link Checkers for my new community :
  5. M

    Any bugs or errors in my forum?

    Well 90% of warez sites are inspired by lately so why not copy the bb to lol :) Eh is not really that hard you can just select the name from postbit and copy it and past it in your post, it copy's the link and font style automatically