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  1. L

    [ask] how to create subdomain?

    tks bad boy...second question from to install php script? i mean..i usually using wordpress via fantastico and now i want to install my own script (not wp) how to do that?
  2. L

    [ask] how to create subdomain?

    as title said, i already create subdomain but i dont know how to install php script from file manager, anyone can help?
  3. L

    Make Your DDL Site in 5 mins

    what happen? This Account Has Been Suspended Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.
  4. L

    Upload photos, earn money

    i think this guy mean brite pic, i'm not recomended them, they paying soooooo low...don't waste ur time
  5. L


    yeah..bidvertiser sucks!! i remove them already.
  6. L

    Message from Jesse

    i got that message too
  7. L


    does bidvertiser accept warez site?