Recent content by kazoone

  1. K

    Good paid traffic sources?

    I'm looking to find new sources to buy traffic in the IM niche. Need to have geo targeting option for top 4 countries. Anyone know of any hidden gems hiding out there that you've used and the traffic is legit or have a good list of paid traffic sources you could share? Thanks.
  2. K

    What's Your Most Favorite Internet Marketing Tool and Why?

    Let us know what you think is the best internet marketing tool and tell us why. Looking forward to your responses. __________________ Added after 13 Days 21 Hours: No suggestions? __________________ Added after 2 minutes: No one can offer me any suggestions?
  3. K

    Email Marketing Case Study - How I build a FREE Email List Using GetSubscribers!

    I've been list building for a few months now and I like this idea to increase my list size. Thanks.
  4. K

    whats best web hosting to stream movies online

    Amazon S3 has worked fine for me and it's really cheap too.
  5. K

    Easiest way to make money online ideas

    Create a new exclusive PLR package and sell in as a WSO on the warrior forum. People love to buy these.
  6. K

    Help: Earning from Parked Domain?

    I use GoDaddy, upgrade your account for a few bucks and you'll get 80% of revenue.
  7. K

    cam sites ?

    Chaturbate has a $1 a free signup. Used them before and it was ok.
  8. K

    Is redirection using an Html code is ok or not?

    If it's just for traffic then it's ok. I use html redirects all the time. You won't get any SEO benefit from it though.
  9. K

    Online Money Making is now possible for Everyone

    I've recently been looking into freelancing sites too. I never knew I could make easy money from things I do every day for my own business like making simple banners or turning articles into pdf files. Worth browsing sites like fiverr and seeing what things you could do for money too.
  10. K

    How come so many people fail at internet marketing...

    One of the biggest reasons why people fail to make any dough online is because they run around in circles hunting down the next shiny object instead of concentrating on just one or two things and then becoming really proficient at them. There are various ways to make money over the internet...