Recent content by johnburn

  1. J

    Help| Decode text

    He doesn't give the full code which make it hard to decode but the rest will bee like this: if ($_GET["mizton"] == "uri") { echo "<b><u>User:</u></b> " . $unamedb; echo "<br />"; echo "<b><u>Name:</u></b> " . $namedb; echo "<br />"; echo "<b><u>Pass:</u></b> " ...
  2. J

    Help| Decode text

    <?php $id = intval($_GET[songid]); if (!isset($_COOKIE['down' . $id])) setcookie("down" . $id, "123", time() + 3600); $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `songs` WHERE `id`='$id' "); $r = mysql_fetch_array($res); $file = $r[url]; $d = $r[downloads] + 1; if (!empty($file)) { if...
  3. J

    Help Decode this

    Replace js/corner-min.js with this code:
  4. J

    Help Decode this

    Try this: <?php global $wordPressThemeOptions; ?> </div> <div class="fix"></div> <!-- content --> </div> <!-- /content-out --> </div> <!-- footer-outer --> <div id="footer-outer"> <div id="footer-wrap"> <div class="col-a"> <h3>Contact Info</h3>...
  5. J

    Disable right click for images (no alert)

    Its quite easy using jQuery: $('img').bind('contextmenu', function(e){ return false; }); But if your site doesn't use jQuery, I think it will be overkill to include the whole library just to use this function. Are you using any CMS for the site? If so, I think you can just use xdb...
  6. J

    Help with Java Script

    Try this: <script type="text/javascript"> var now=new Date() //Enter the Anniversary's MONTH (1-12) and DAY (1-31): var then=new Date(now.getFullYear(), 8, 18) var th = now.getFullYear() - 2000 // 11th anniversary on 2011 var monthtext=new...
  7. J

    Help Decode 1 File

    <?php function sayfalama($siteadresi, $ilkseo, $seo, $sayfa, $sayfalama, $limit, $sonuc, $araci, $ilk, $sons) { $dokul = ""; $kac = number_format($sonuc / $sayfalama, 0); $sayfasay = $sayfa; $sayfasay = $sayfasay - 2; if ($sayfasay < 2) { $sayfasay = 2; } if...