Recent content by H0VA

  1. H

    How to edit postbit_legacy

    I want to center username + make the font bigger center stats add user title add spacing in stats like double spaced inbetweed joined - posts etc. Could someone help me? Where would I edit the code specifically?
  2. H

    Which part of CSS would I edit

    Found it thanks bro!
  3. H

    Which part of CSS would I edit

    Where's that innox?
  4. H

    Which part of CSS would I edit

    Andreas that image doesnt work =/
  5. H

    Which part of CSS would I edit

    nah but I want the entire forum in white lol not just this post
  6. H

    Which part of CSS would I edit

    To change the color of the messages posted? I want to change the grey text to white Could someone tell me where I go in the css to change the font color when something is posted?
  7. H

    Could someone link me to an article on changing each forums icon in VB?

    Similar to these Each forum has its own image
  8. H

    REQ: Rip a vBulletin theme for me

    I'm only ripping this because I won't be using my site to make money, or even compete. It is just going to be a forum for my clan. I'd usually pay for something like this but the designer of the theme is being a true dick and not responding. This is the theme I want completely ripped. If you...
  9. H

    Wjunction is shit

    I have no clue what happend to Katz, and really don't give a shit beyond pure curiosity. But this is what I do know... 1. Katz admins are no where to be found. Which leads to a lot of questions being asked. 2. Some mods here own their own DDL's so really they don't give a fuck about Katz...
  10. H

    Selling Domain name

    Thanks for your bid
  11. H

    Selling Domain name

    It has no page rank, but this is easily brandable. Yes, this is the domain that inspired Ultima to start warezscene. Ill end the bidding in a few days~~~