Recent content by FileMonetizer

  1. F

    Earning on shared hosting or URL shorteners? Earn up to $300 for 1000 downloads!

    Hi Guys! I would like to introduce you a great affiliate program. Please check the descriptions and a simple guide. What is ? is a platform for files monetization using Pay Per Download model. In a very simple way you can make money on every file on the...
  2. F

    List of Tips for Making Extra Money

    If you have a website or a blog you can monetize any file you want. Our self service helps with that. Try it and let me know when you earn additional money - because definitely you will.
  3. F

    best pay per install

    Definitely you should try our service. Its friendly, easy and you can benefit from it. check out filemonetizer . com or contact me - Karola (skype id:filemonetizer)
  4. F

    where i can monetize image and pdf?

    You can monetize all files, pdfs, documents and etc. I can easily help you with that, just skype me to get more info. You can monetize even when you have already the shared hosting file. I hope it will be useful.
  5. F

    Ways To Make Money Online

    Great list of making money. I would personally add that with our service you can make even more money. If you are already earning on shared hosting or URL shorteners you can monetize it additionally Skype me (skype id: "filemonetizer") to get more info. Karola
  6. F

    Best Hosts for PPD in these days...

    I can recommend you our service. You can contact me anytime and make some extra money additionally to your income.
  7. F

    Hello Digital World

    Hi to all users and money makers My name is Karolina and I am representing one of the networks and myself ;) I joined for few reasons. To expand my knowledge about the market, to get to know the real users and their needs and also to share my knowledge and experience related and not related...