Recent content by dunamite123

  1. D

    DediRDP - Mini,Regular,Extreme&Encoding, 16GB/32GB RAM, 1 Gbps Starting @ 6$/Mo (NL)

    Using their services for a 5-6 months now. It's time for public praise. :) Had some small problems on rare occasions. When I had problem support was lightning fast, very polite, professional and pleasant. I have only words of praise for them. You cant go wrong with DediRDP. PS. In 5-6 months...
  2. D

    Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

    Thats why I said "other" people. And if you agree, when you lie about my ppd not been counted after ban from affiliate and I SHOW on screenshot that it was counted, it's logical to assume you do the same for other users. My total paid was 138$ for last 2 months, since you asked. So if your...
  3. D

    Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

    Funny, how you're fast to call other people liars. You counted downloads ( as you can see in following pic ), but whatever. :sun: You're here as official support to speak the truth, right? :D Imgur Im asking for info that you just sent me last 10 days? Why stalling? Nothing changed. You and...
  4. D

    Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

    wow. Am I in group with very questionable statistics? Seriously? Lets discuss that in private. I sent you couple of PMs, forward them to your boss and guy that "investigate" suspicious behavior.. I am so curious to learn what is questionable, about my stats... And the other thing you said...
  5. D

    Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

    Not everyone. I was not paid on Saturday. Support don't answer me anymore on tickets, PMs, forum posts etc. It looks more and more to me, my account is banned ( no one knows why ), but they "forgot" to let me know, in order to have my links live couple more weeks? Is that case...
  6. D

    Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

    @Uploadable-Jo, can you read/answer my PM? Thanks.
  7. D

    Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

    I see lot of persons with same issue. Changing IP don't work at the moment. Tried hola, IP get changed but issue remains. Guess some kind of a cookie is connected with our accounts at the moment. Hope this issue get fixed cause after this Friday, working with uploadable will become impossible...
  8. D

    Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

    Still no affiliate page for me.
  9. D

    Uploadable - Earn up to $40/1000 PPD & PPS 65% initial sale / 50% Rebill

    My "make money" page is missing. Stats page redirect me to Anyone else with same issue?
  10. D Instant Setup,64GB RAM,Encoding/Normal,1 Gbps,50Gb Plan, $3.99 (FR)

    I just got 1 plan. Never had faster setup after payment. Also, I like ow rdp is setup and amount of programs installed. ty.
  11. D - regular&encode rdp,2xcpu,ssd,1gbs,2gbs,10gbs,$4/m (fr,ca,uk,de,us,nl)

    Ticket #171502 Edit: Issue solved. Thanks!!
  12. D

    Why is my IP Banned?

    cvrle77, thank you for the answer. I just want to update you guys that my IP is now un-banned. I'm browsing your forum with my old nick and my old IP address. So for me problem is fixed.
  13. D

    Rapidgator Discussion thread

    So, 10 days i have good content, and then 10 days same content became "bad content", then after 10 days it is good content again? :D All 30 days traffic / No of dls is same.