Recent content by brazzO

  1. B

    My First WordPress Theme

    looks good, great to see people attempting to make wp themes and not just ripping them from themeforest.
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    Hauck - Responsive Coming Soon Template

    Just wanting a little feedback on a little project i have posted to Themeforest. Site Templates - Hauck - Responsive Coming Soon Template | ThemeForest What would you add to make it better? or even take away. Be as critical as you like :D
  3. B

    Article: WJunction v3.1

    i take it we have no chatbox?
  4. B

    Bootstrap 404 tutorial with brazzO

    I know what you're thinking.. another tutorial? Yeah, that's right another one. This time we are going to be working with Bootstrap and creatng a 404 error page. I am not claiming that this error page is AMAZING but i would say for people that are unsure on how to do them it is a great starter...
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    WiP - RiTZ Theme Feedback

    hi guys, Just wondering what you think about the theme i am currently working on. The logo is just something quick so far, i will be re-doing this when i get the rest of the theme complete. It has a long way to go so far i know but if i get pinions on it so far then i can make the adjustments...
  6. B

    Help me locate this font and color

    ahh i see, just going to get my son awake then will be right to it :)...
  7. B

    Help me locate this font and color

    the color match is as follows: stroke = #85a9bf main font color = #334182
  8. B

    Installation of WordPress with brazzO

    well, the reason i have added this is because not everyone knows even how to get onto a cPanel to find fantastico. if they don't know what they are dong then at least they can follow this instead.
  9. B

    Installation of WordPress with brazzO

    yeah, that's true. i will add how to do it from that on here soon
  10. B

    Hello Wjunction

    hey, welcome to WJ. Hope to see you active in the forums :)
  11. B

    Get to know the Wordpress Dashboard with brazzO

    Welcome to my second tutorial / guide of my "Wordpress Development with brazzO" series. In this guide we will be going over the WordPress dashboard (The area you see when you first login to the wp-admin panel). To get to your wp-admin panel all you do is take your website and add/wp-admin to...
  12. B

    Wordpress Development with brazzO

    thanks Rox, i will do. got a few other ideas for when this is done also so plenty of tutorials to be done :) __________________ Added after 1 Day: Unable to edit my first post on here so here is the second part to the Wordpress Development series. Get to know the Wordpress Dashboard with brazzO
  13. B

    Create an Expanding Search Form with Pure CSS3

    cheers RT, might use this on a theme i am currently developing for my own personal blog.
  14. B

    Installation of WordPress with brazzO

    Here is the first part to my series which is named "Wordpress Development with brazzO" A video will be posted soon to give you something to watch and relate to instead of just reading the text. What you'll need for this lesson: Hosting Code editor of your choice (I use Coda) FTP Client...
  15. B

    Wordpress Development with brazzO

    i don't claim to be the best at what i do and i am still learning parts as i go also, as you know ;) i will share what i know and my knowledge and would encourage others to get involved and when they see me make a mistake or maybe could of done something a better way then they would let me know...