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  1. A | Up To $5 Per 1K Views | Daily Payments | Adult | Subtitles | Since 2011

    flashX Billing: Hey manyute, as you have already noticed, we have delays in withdrawals. The payouts start again from mid-March. So do not worry, the payouts will definitely come. We have paid every user for over 4 years. We apologize for the long wait. Please note: We will not respond to...
  2. A | Up To $5 Per 1K Views | Daily Payments | Adult | Subtitles | Since 2011

    patience, flashx always pay user: manyute 2018-02-05 $**.39 PENDING
  3. A | Up To $5 Per 1K Views | Daily Payments | Adult | Subtitles | Since 2011

    the same happens to me 2017-11-28 3378 / $1.61240 2017-11-29 1913 / $0.90790
  4. A | Up To $5 Per 1K Views | Daily Payments | Adult | Subtitles | Since 2011

    hello, a consultation, you know how to prevent me from closing my page of videos, since you pelis24 imprisoned him? I would like your advice, do you have skype?
  5. A | Up To $5 Per 1K Views | Daily Payments | Adult | Subtitles | Since 2011

    One more stepPlease complete the security check to access
  6. A | Up To $5 Per 1K Views | Daily Payments | Adult | Subtitles | Since 2011

    Hablare en mi idioma español: Gracias por el pago eres el mejor reproductor, pense que tenia bastante publicidad, por eso no borraban los videos, pero luego de la ultimo hackeo y borraron videos, mis visitantes bajaron a la mitad y muchas quejas por la excesiva publicidad, el...
  7. A | Up To $5 Per 1K Views | Daily Payments | Adult | Subtitles | Since 2011

    Thanks for payment! please extend premium account user: manyute
  8. A | Up To $5 Per 1K Views | Daily Payments | Adult | Subtitles | Since 2011

    You could disable/remove the download button __________________ Added after 2 Days 9 Hours: failed upload FTP error Command: PASS ********* Response: 530 Login incorrect. Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server