Recent content by adrians1987

  1. A - PPD (up to 40 EUR) & PPS (75% Initial sale / 65% rebill)

    I guess you are in theme with Uploaded. Users from Europe, but not in SEPA can't request anymore thrue bank. All payments get declined. And i'm pretty sure Cloudzer will no be able to pay thrue bank if you are not from SEPA like Uploaded. Wait a few days, see if you get your payment... If not...
  2. A - PPD (up to 40 EUR) & PPS (75% Initial sale / 65% rebill)

    @iphone7 SEPA countries has been paid i guess, for those who are not from SEPA and requested thrue bank don't know what to say.... It's kinda obivious that Uploaded pay Cloudzer bills. And Uploaded does not pay Bank outside of SEPA anymore. Thanks for your services Cloudzer, seems you they had...
  3. A / upload and earn – we do the rest! / Official support thread.

    Your are just follow the profit, don't care about downloaders. I just tried to download a file from your servers as a free user. I was not able to download the file without installing your download software plus 5kb speed per second, i wont try it again ever.
  4. A - PPD (up to 40 EUR) & PPS (75% Initial sale / 65% rebill)

    @hullapulla You got your payment, so there is no point for you to spend your time on this thread. The only peoples who read this thread is who requested thrue bank, as I do. So i'll check regulary this thread for any updates. No point to be closed.
  5. A - PPD (up to 40 EUR) & PPS (75% Initial sale / 65% rebill)

    Is not the same as the bot answer, i didn't open any ticket and i got this: "Dear customer We can assure you that all balances are save and will be paid out in full during the next few weeks. with kind regards"
  6. A - PPD (up to 40 EUR) & PPS (75% Initial sale / 65% rebill)

    got this today from them, Dear customer We can assure you that all balances are save and will be paid out in full during the next few weeks. with kind regards
  7. A - PPD (up to 40 EUR) & PPS (75% Initial sale / 65% rebill)

    @codehtcmail not good at all, there are a few days left till they shut down. I just keep hoping ...
  8. A - PPD (up to 40 EUR) & PPS (75% Initial sale / 65% rebill)

    I didn't got paid yet, but i have a feeling in the next 2 days status will be paid.
  9. A - PPD (up to 40 EUR) & PPS (75% Initial sale / 65% rebill)

    Cloudzer seems to be down for about 3 hours.
  10. A - PPD (up to 40 EUR) & PPS (75% Initial sale / 65% rebill)

    They declined my request from 4 months ago, and emailed me that i'm able to request true amazon vouchers or bank. I chosed bank again... and i see they are paying amazon vouchers. I guess bank requests will be paid next week.
  11. A - PPD (up to 40 EUR) & PPS (75% Initial sale / 65% rebill)

    Nice to see that they pay, I wait my bank transfer.. .