Recent content by 2Target

  1. 2Target - video shortener url

    Sorry for the inconvenience! Registration is closed temporarily when we do some improvements to our platform. The average is 5-10 minutes maximum and we do that because first priority is to keep active all links. Because We are video shortener url. But you can go to "File Manager" and copy only...
  2. 2Target - video shortener url

    Start getting up to +100% extra income! Hello, I would like to share our Video Shortener Url service We have been working on this project since last two year. We made this project because we are tired, boring and tedious work of DMCA processing takedown notices every day. We offer...
  3. 2Target

    URL shortener that allowed by Facebook

    Use rebrandly with own domain. Most of the available sites are banned on Facebook but if you use own domain you can post on fb. But remember, after a time own domain will be banned by facebook and you must buy another etc
  4. 2Target

    anti adblock for mobile users ??

    You can use this ==> detectadblock .com. After you detect if user have adblock or not, you can make a popup medal with text If you want to disable adblock for user automatic then is impossible.
  5. 2Target

    Any recommandations for In-Page Push/floating banner network ?

    for push you can user propellerads, exoclick or adsterra. All three are good network with many payment
  6. 2Target

    Hello there!

    Welcome to WJunction!