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I hate him because his music sucks something fierce yet everyone still loves him, he's ugly beyond ugly and everyone still loves him, he's too young to be that rich, they're already marketing him as a sex symbol even though the general age range of his audience is 7-13. Kids 7-13 shouldn't be paying attention to sex symbols. This is why so many 11-12 year olds are getting pregnant now and why, elementary kids are performing sexual acts in classrooms nation wide. He is a prime example of why America's societies way of thinking is shit. They push kids like him to make more money for themselves and corrupt the general population.
I think people are just jealous, because most of them would have to work really hard to get that kind of money or success..This kid got it easy.
I remember the song "Baby baby" getting more views/likes than "Stairway to Heaven" on some site, it made me sad :-'(
Anyways, he's not a prodigy or a musical genius, nothing about him is what I would consider original or, he'll fade away in a while.
Drama queen,

This guy us soo gay, fake cheap american entertainment,

Seriously, if you like him and/or his music, you should go to a psychologist. I'm not kiddin. :|
Who is better?

Justin Beaber.. Well, i didn't know this guy until recently. People hate him, teenagers love him. All i know is he is a pop singer, not a very good one either (judging from the only song i know - baby baby or something). Hating him is "cool" i guess these days.

..not that i do.. i just don't care. <_<
I hate his music. I also don't like the huge impact he has had on young people all around the world. But I don't know him personally so i can't hate him as a person, or wish him harm.
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