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Discussion Thread
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Good day admin

All days my visitors of my post write me that change you host, DDL only download to 100 kbps and with IDM 112 kbps
in true you speed is for plan PPS, and not PPD, I change for you service and today think that do bad.

Every day lost more and more visitors for you slow speed.

please up the speed of the host this is PPS and not PPD.
Dude stop pestering ddl.to. Be patient.
Dear ddl.to users,

I'd like to mention again. Let us all understand it now. One of our employees is away for 2 weeks. Yes, there are even webmasters who make holidays and I think that is human.

The first payments you have requested will be processed on August 31st and you should start receiving them on September 2nd. Then you can all pay out the money you have collected.

We've known about the download speed for some time now. New servers will be added from September onwards to reach download speeds of up to 2mbps. We are aware that speeds of up to 120kbps are just an imposition.

I thank you on behalf of my team, this despite these circumstances there are still users like you that continue to use the service.

All users who bought Premium. Also your download speed will reach the maximum. We have not throttled anything, the servers are simply overloaded.
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All users who bought Premium. Also your download speed will reach the maximum. We have not throttled anything, the servers are simply overloaded.
So currently Free and Premium Users have the same speed? I am wondering because I am considering of buying an premium account.
Dude stop pestering ddl.to. Be patient.
All day lose visitors they all the day write me that change the host for the the slow
my reports also down, my earnings, the visitors no are patient else for this reason
write my message friend, until saturday 31 of this Month, say bye to this service is very SLOW.
cdn14 was not available all day today. The problem could be fixed.

I have to repeat myself. In two days we will start to fix the problems. Step by step everything will be improved. The first payments will be made tomorrow evening.
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Can you put my currently requested payment back in my balance? Used the wrong payment method.

Can you give me your username, please?

The first payouts were made a few hours ago. There were Paypal payouts. About 10 Webmoney payouts all follow on Monday. Bitcoin payouts also follow on Tuesday.

More Paypal payouts will follow this evening.

The servers are running more stable than before. New servers will be added during the week and the download speed will be increased again by 2Mbps.

Thanks for your patience.
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Good day admin

you write before that since 1-9-2019 the Minimum payout is $ 5 and not 10 usd
today is 1 -9-2019 and the Minimum payout keep going in $10.

thanks for fix slowly the problems of speed.

Can you give me your username, please?

The first payouts were made a few hours ago. There were Paypal payouts. About 10 Webmoney payouts all follow on Monday. Bitcoin payouts also follow on Tuesday.

More Paypal payouts will follow this evening.

The servers are running more stable than before. New servers will be added during the week and the download speed will be increased again by 2Mbps.

Thanks for your patience.
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